The Village of Bellevue created its second Tax Incremental Finance District in 2016. The strategic area for this district surrounds the Huron Road (County EA) and Eaton Road (County Highway JJ) intersection and comprises approximately 216 acres of land identified for a mix of uses including retail, commercial, office, light industrial, and residential. The Huron Road corridor has been identified and constructed to be the “eastern arterial” and a bypass between Interstate 43 to the south and State Highway 54/57 to the north. A number of anchor users have already established in this area including Bellin College, Bellin Clinic, the YMCA, and the Village Public Safety Building. Additional development is anticipated with the residential growth identified for this area.
Supporting Materials:
• Project Plan for the Creation of TID #2
• Future Land Use Plan TID #2
• Existing Zoning TID #2
• Boundary Exhibit TID #2
• Aerial Exhibit TID #2