Christmas tree pick up by the Village is conducted during the month of January. Typically this is done on Monday's (weather permitting). Please place your trees at the curb and not in the street. Wreaths or Trees with plastic bags, stands, wires or lights will not be picked up. Trees that are frozen into the snow banks will be left until the spring brush pickup.
The Village of Bellevue Public Works Department picks up brush at the curb each Spring and Fall. Please place your brush at the curb during your scheduled week. The following is the schedule for future pick-ups:
Spring 2025:

Place brush at the curb
the week of 04/07 through 04/13
Place brush at the curb
the week of 04/14 through 04/20
Fall 2025:

Place brush at the curb
the week of 09/227 through 09/28
Place brush at the curb
the week of 09/29 through 10/05
Please observe the following rules when placing materials out for collection:
- Brush up to 3" in diameter is acceptable in lengths no greater than 12 feet.
- Brush up to 6" in diameter is acceptable in lengths no greater than 8 feet.
- Brush greater than 6" in diameter cannot be accepted at the curb. Larger brush including stumps up to 12" in diameter at ground level can be taken to the yard waste site.
- Avoid cutting brush shorter than needed as fewer pieces is less handling for crews.
- Lay brush in piles at the curb with the branches laying parallel to the street. All branches should be laying in the same direction.

- Do Not place Leaves or Garden Waste in with the pile of branches
- Please do not put brush at the curb any sooner than two weeks prior to the collection day.
- Brush may not be picked up all in one day but it will be picked up the week of. Brush however must be at the curb prior to the Monday that brush is scheduled to be picked up. Brush not at the curb by the time crews come past will be left or will be billed for us to come back at a later date.
- Clearing of brush on lots for the intent to build or sell the lot will not be picked up. The intent of the pickup is to provide for disposal of brush generated as a result of routine yard maintenance. If excessive amounts of brush are placed at the curb, the brush may be refused or a fee will be charged for the work. Entire trees cut down are the homeowners responsibility to remove and cleanup.
- Lawn wastes (grass, leaves and garden materials) will not be taken. These materials need to be taken to the yard waste site by yourselves.
The Village currently has no Leaf pickup. Please do not rake your leaves into the curbs. This causes water backups at the storm catch basins, promotes algae growth and is a violation of municipal law.
Please utilize the attached map to determine which date your area is picked up.