Over the course of 2022, the Village undertook the task of updating its Comprehensive Plan using the concept of “Bellevue and Beyond!” as the call-to-action for getting residents to think about the community’s future and the role they play within it. The Comprehensive Plan is a vision for the future and acts as the blueprint for development within the Village, guiding decisions on land use, transportation, economic development, housing, and the environment. Wisconsin’s Comprehensive Planning Law or “Smart Growth Law” requires adopted comprehensive plans be reviewed and updated at least every 10 years, and must contain the following nine elements:
- Issues and Opportunities
- Housing
- Transportation
- Land Use
- Economic Development
- Utilities and Community Facilities
- Agricultural, Natural and Cultural Resources
- Intergovernmental Cooperation
- Implementation
In addressing these elements, the Village collects background information of existing conditions, identifies trends, and reviews its major policies concerning the future physical development of the community in each area. The primary purpose of doing this is to establish goals, objectives, and recommendations for the future growth of the community, and create a vision for each element.
As part of the process, an Ad Hoc Committee was formed to review the plan and make recommendations. While the updated plan contains many recommendations, the Ad Hoc Committee felt the most important directives, in terms of overall positive impact on the community, are as follows:
- Commit to the creation of a new Village Square
- Diversify the future housing stock
- Increase overall residential density
- Connect parks and neighborhoods
- Include/protect more natural greenspace and passive recreation opportunities
- Reduce future traffic congestion by using a gridded street system
- Integrate local history and the arts
- Initiate community-wide dialogue regarding construction of a new Community Center
- Prepare detailed redevelopment plans
- Promote, require, and utilize as appropriate, low-impact development practices
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On January 11, 2023, the Village Board adopted the Comprehensive Plan 2023-2043.
To view the complete document, click on the cover to the LEFT or the link below.
To view individual chapters, click the links BELOW. |
Comprehensive Plan 2023-2043
For more information, please contact Andrew J. Vissers, AICP, Director of Community Development at (920) 468-5225.
Ad Hoc Committee Members:
- Jill Bielinski, Chair
- Tom Murphy, Vice Chair
- Shirley VerBruggen
- Roberta Atkinson
- Bill Mielke
- Carol Faltynski
- Alec Hoffman
Cedar Representative: Thad Majkowski, Ken Jaworski and Eric Fowle, AICP